Starts: Thursday, February 13th, 2025, at 3PM PST
Ends: Monday, February 17th, 2025, at 3PM PST

Store Opens: Thursday, February 13th, 2025, at 3PM PST
Store Closes: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, at 3PM PST

Unrequited is a new co-op focused Phase style event similar to Haunted. Hit event targets in your local sector to fill up the Phase bar, once full, new and higher value targets begin to spawn for a limited time.

There are three phases; the Attraction, the Courting and the Commitment

During the first phase, the Coalesce 180 is the only target that spawns. This target, like all of the event targets, is intended for co-op play and is tuned for Nightfall Coalition faction hulls but players with Vega Alliance and Retrosyn faction hulls can contribute but should not be expected to be able to complete the target and will need a partner with more recent tech.

Once the first wave is completed, two new targets will begin to spawn. Each worth more Heart Shards, the event currency, and progress to the Phase bar than the Coalesce target. In the final phase the target worth the most Heart Shards begins to appear. A word of warning, it will not be possible for Retrosyn faction hulls to contribute in these targets and only the strongest Vega Alliance hulls will be a viable option. Nightfall faction hulls are the intended minimum requirement.

Each of the event targets is intended for co-op and manual game play. They are large and contain Emitter Pylons. We strongly recommend engaging them with a partner.

NameLevelEvenet Store PointsRageBlitz
Phase 1: The Attraction
Liberatus Coalesce19050,0002,00015 / 20
Phase 2: The Courting
Liberatus Unite195150,0005,00020 / 30
Liberatus Link200200,00025,00030 / 50
Phase 3 Boss - The Commitment
Liberatus Fuse250500,000200,00040 / 60

Heartbreak Malignant Skin

PrizeTypeCostMax Claim# Per Claim
Heartbreak Malignant Skin CreditConsumable5,000,00011

Q Pyd

PrizeTypeCostMax Claim# Per Claim
Q PydFleet Commander5,000,00011

Prefitted Mk3 Gryphon

PrizeTypeCostMax Claim# Per Claim
Prefitted Mk3 GryphonPrefitted10,000,00011

Prefitted Mk6 Chimera

PrizeTypeCostMax Claim# Per Claim
Prefitted Mk6 ChimeraPrefitted10,000,00011

Marauder Delusion

PrizeTypeCostMax Claim# Per Claim
Prebuilt Marauder DelusionPrefitted5,000,00021
Marauder Delusion Mk2 CreditConsumable1,000,00021
Marauder Delusion Mk3 CreditConsumable1,500,00021
Marauder Delusion Mk4 CreditConsumable2,000,00021
Marauder Delusion Mk5 CreditConsumable2,500,00021
Marauder Delusion Mk6 CreditConsumable3,000,00021

The above prizes are Featured Prizes only. Visit the in-game store for a full list of available prizes!
In-game Store will be available to view starting Monday, February 10th, at 3pm.