VEGA Conflict will be Undergoing Downtime on Tuesday, March 11th, at 10AM PST and is expected to last 3 Hours.

The Quantum Enforcers activated the trigger to their timeline-erasing device, as the two Burrs were distracted by a surprise attack from Keres! As the timestream rearranges itself and the dust settles, a strange, yet familiar, new world reveals itself. In unknown territory and surrounded by new faces, technology, and battles, one question is at the forefront. Where are we? Or, should we ask when are we?

[EVENT] Reawakening

Event Starts: Thursday, March 13th, 2025, at 3PM PDT
Event Ends: Monday, March 17th, 2025, at 3PM PDT

[EVENT] Confrontation

Event Starts: Thursday, March 20th, 2025, at 3PM PDT
Event Ends: Friday, March 21st, 2025, at 3PM PDT

[EVENT] Escalation

Event Starts: Thursday, March 27th, 2025, at 3PM PDT
Event Ends: Monday, March 31st, 2025, at 3PM PDT

[EVENT] Escalation Re-Run

Event Starts: Thursday, April 3rd, 2025, at 3PM PDT
Event Ends: Monday, April 7th, 2025, at 3PM PDT

[EVENT] Civil War

Event Starts: Thursday, April 3rd, 2025, at 3PM PDT
Event Ends: Monday, April 7th, 2025, at 3PM PDT

V.E.G.A Interceptor

DescriptionThe Raptor is a swift and agile Interceptor, found at the spearhead of most V.E.G.A fleets. Like a predator, it is able to hunt down enemy ships and punch through their defenses.
RequirementsShip Factory XVI
Ship Lab XIV

Saprophyte Assault Hull

DescriptionThe Contagion can be found lurking within Saprophyte fleets, springing out when the time is right to wreak havoc among enemies. It acts like a spotter, leaving enemy hulls vulnerable to damage from its allies.
RequirementsShip Factory XVI
Ship Lab XIV

Guardian Juggernaut

DescriptionThe Aegis is an imposing and powerful Guardian Juggernaut. Heavily armored, it acts as a protective escort for allied hulls, though it is quite capable of defending itself.
RequirementsShip Factory XVI
Ship Lab XIV

V.E.G.A Defense
“Primary Deflector”

DescriptionThe Primary Deflector is for defense on V.E.G.A hulls. Able to recharge, it can withstand almost any volley from Radiation weaponry. However, it is unable to adapt to defend as well against Essence weaponry.
Faction LockV.E.G.A
Mass (for all defense components and weapons)2,350 / 2,525 / 2,700
Shield Energy341,550 / 399,080 / 480,645
Shield Recharge Delay5 s
Defense 90%
Resistance Amount50% Radiation, 25% Munitions, 0% Essence
Module Requirement (Build)Level 3: Tech Lab XIV
Module Requirement (Crafting)Level 3: Workshop X

Saprophyte Defense
“Dissolution Ward”

DescriptionThe Dissolution Ward projects a protective aura around Saprophyte hulls. Designed primarily to block incoming Essence damage, it has a weakness to more solid-based weaponry, such as Munitions.
Faction LockSaprophyte
Mass2,023 / 2,548 / 3,032
Shield Energy

255,000 / 412,500 / 545,000

Shield Recharge Delay5 s
Defense 90%
Resistance Amount50% Essence, 25% Radiation, 0% against Munitions
Module Requirement (Build)Level 3: Tech Lab XIV
Module Requirement (Crafting)Level 3: Tech Lab XIV

Guardian Defense
“Biorganic Armor”

DescriptionThe Guardians developed the Biorganic Armor to protect their hulls in the event of combat. Seemingly alive with a generated shield, it offers almost impenetrable protections from Muntions, but Radiation weaponry can eat through it quickly.
Faction LockGuardians
Mass2,023 / 2,548 / 3,032
Armor Health200,000 / 225,000 / 250,000
Resistance Amount50% against Munitions, 25% Essence, 0% against Radiation
Module Requirement (Build)Level 3: Tech Lab XIV
Module Requirement (Crafting)Level 3: Tech Lab XIV

V.E.G.A Weapon
“Expeditionary Blaster”

DescriptionThe Expeditionary Blaster is a projectile weapon with rapidly striking munitions that can pierce through enemy armor with ease.
Weapon TypeBlaster
Damage TypeMunition
Faction LockV.E.G.A
Mass2,939 / 3,994 / 5,049
DPS16,250 /18,875 / 22,000
Speed5,000 m/s
Min Range1,850 m
Max Range4,000 m
AoE Size300
Module Requirement (Build)Arms Lab XIV
Module Requirement (Crafting)Level 3: Workshop X

Saprophyte Weapon
“Irradiated Lance”

DescriptionThe Irradiated Lance is a long-range Radiation weapon that launches highly radioactive rounds at its targets.
Weapon TypeLance
Damage TypeEnergy
Faction LockSaprophyte
Mass2,939 / 3,994 / 5,049
DPS25,575 / 28,600 / 33,275
Speed4,000 m/s
Min Range1,500 m
Max Range5,400 m
Module Requirement (Build)Arms Lab XIV
Module Requirement (Crafting)Level 3: Workshop X

Guardian Weapon
“Biosynthetic Disruptor”

DescriptionThe Biosynthetic Disruptor is a medium-range weapon that fires Essence rounds that is capable of quickly destroying enemy hulls.
Weapon TypeDisruptor
Damage TypeEssence
Faction LockGuardian
Mass2,939 / 3,994 / 5,049
DPS29,000 / 32,500 / 36,000
Speed4,000 m/s
Min Range3,000 m
Max Range5,000 m
AoE Size300
Module Requirement (Build)Arms Lab XIV
Module Requirement (Crafting)Level 3: Workshop X

V.E.G.A Raptor Modifications

Component 1
Shield Energy Boost+25%
Component 2
Ward Damage Bonus+20%
Component 3
Ship Speed Bonus+15%
Component 4
Deflector Recharge Bonus+7% Energy / s
Recharge Delay3 s
Component 5
Shield Bypass Bonus+15%
Component 6
Turning Speed Bonus+25%
Strafe Bonus+15%

Saprophyte Contagion Modifications

Component 1
Ward Energy Boost+25%
Component 2
Pierce Bonus+3
Component 3
Range Bonus+10%
Component 4
DPS Bonus
Component 5
Projectile Speed Bonus+15%
Component 6
Aggression Attack Charge Rate+5% per second

Guardians Aegis Modifications

Component 1
Speed Boost+15%
Component 2
Stasis Bonus+15%
Component 3
Deflector Damage Boost+20%
Component 4
Resistance Bonus
+20% Munitions Resistance, +15% Radiation Resistance, +20% Essence Resistance
Component 5
Weapon Cooldown-10%
Component 6
Turning Speed Bonus+15%

  • Fixed the Fleet composition bonus stat block on Q. Pyd.
  • Fixed the description text on Quantum Munitions and Quantum Engines
  • General Improvements