Adding players to your friend list is a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:
Add a Friend from the Player Info Screen:
Open the Player Info screen of the person you want to add and click the 'Add Friend' button.
This will send them a friend request. The request must be manually approved by the other player to complete the process.
Manage Your Friend List:
- You can manage your friends and any pending friend requests from the Social Menu. Access it by clicking the following icon:
Search for Players Manually:
- In the 'Add Friend' tab of the Social Menu, you can manually search for players by entering their Player ID number. Note that only numerical characters are allowed in this field.
Finding Your Player ID Number:
- To find your own Player ID number, open your in-game profile. It will be displayed directly beneath your username.
Using these steps, you can easily add, search for, and manage friends in the game!