What are Bookmarks?
Bookmarks are little icons that you can leave on the Planet or Sector Maps so that you can easily be taken to the same location again.  ...
How do I join an Alliance?
Greetings, Commander! Joining and participating in alliances is a strategic aspect of VEGA Conflict that offers a range of benefits, includi...
What are the Gameplay Mechanics and Controls?
Welcome to the dynamic and strategic universe of VEGA Conflict, Commander! Whether you are a new recruit or a seasoned fleet commander, unde...
How to Craft a Dreadnought (Video)
How do I find a player ID? Ignore a player?
Player Info Popups are exactly like they sound; click on a player's fleet of base and you will have the option to gain some basic info about...
Base Holding/ Greifing
While this is a PVP game, we do not want anyone's experience to be soiled with this type of behavior, and we are happy to investigate ...
I cancelled a refit, and now my component is missing!
The way component refits work in VEGA Conflict is slightly different than in our other games. When you decide to refit a module, you are giv...
Why did my ship go missing?
While it isn't possible for content to go missing on its own in VEGA Conflict, as this is a server-authoritative game, here are some other o...
How do I get XP?
The following actions will reward you with experience:Building a new ModuleUpgrading a Module to a new rankAttaching a higher-level weapon /...
How Do Medals Work?
Medals from Attacks:Medals are only earned by successfully attacking another player's base. You do not earn Medals for defending your ...
Can I Private Chat?
If you'd like to privately message another player while they're offline, then you'll have to use the platform you both are playing from. For...
How to Gain Antimatter
Antimatter Collection Guide Antimatter vs. Other Resources:Unlike Helium-3 and Mineral Ore, Antimatter cannot be harvested from resource as...
Where to Find Recipes for Your Workshop
Where to Find Recipes for Your WorkshopThere are two types of recipes available in your Workshop: Ship Upgrade Recipes and Fusion Recipes.Sh...
How do I get materials?
Crafting Materials: Tips for Efficient FarmingGetting the exact crafting materials you need can be challenging. Like with any probability-ba...
What is a Commerce Module?
Commerce Module OverviewThe Commerce Module is a special building that generates a steady supply of gold daily. Although specific game data ...
What is Damage Protection?
Damage Protection works differently than the stars you earn during battle. While stars are awarded based on achieving 25% damage, destroying...
I crafter an upgrade, why isn't it working?
If you’ve crafted a higher Mk ship but aren’t seeing an upgrade, here’s how it works:Crafting an UpgradeWhen you craft an upgrade, you're no...
Why didn't I get credit/points for a target?
There are several reasons why you might not get credit or may receive reduced points for a completed target. Here are some common situations...
How do I add friends?
Adding players to your friend list is a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:Add a Friend from the Player Info Screen:Open the ...
How do I move my base?
Base Relocation GuideWhen starting Vega Conflict, your base is placed on a random planet in a random sector. As you progress, you may want t...
Fusion Crafting Guide
Fusion Crafting GuideThe Fusion tab in your Workshop offers flexibility in crafting materials, allowing you to combine lower-tier items to c...
What are Fleet Commanders?
Fleet Commanders are a new way to customize fleets and utilize attack strategies. Each provides different bonuses to a fleet, and can b...
My build, refit, upgrade, research, or crafting was sped up using gold or cancelled - next steps
In Vega Conflict, time can be reduced on builds, upgrades, refits, research, and crafting by using gold. If an item was accidentally acceler...
I'm missing Crafting Materials!
First, make sure you are looking in the Materials tab of your Workshop and not the Crafting nor Fusion tab. Only the Materials tab will show...
Why Can't I Exchange My Event Points For Resources?
Some Events give you the ability to trade in any leftover points for resources. You are only able to do so once you have claimed all the pri...
How do I earn Base experience in VEGA conflict?
The level of your base works as an indication of your peak base performance. You're rewarded in VEGA Conflict when you increase your ba...
Why can't I kick a player from my alliance?
If your alliance is public, you cannot kick players, as they would just be able to rejoin right away. If you would like to have control...
Why can't I retaliate against a high level player that attacked my base?
You can only attack bases within five levels of your fleet level, so it is unlikely that you can create a fleet powerful enough to attack a ...
What are the keyboard controls for VEGA Conflict (PC)?
These controls can be changed by Clicking your Avatar, and then selecting the "Controls" tab. The default controls are:Camera ControlsM...