Event Starts Wednesday, September 12 @ 1PM PDT
Event Ends Monday, September 17 @ 1PM PDT


Bounty is the premier PvP event in Battle Pirates. Smash other players to steal their Bounty while protecting yours at all costs! Spend your Bounty in the Bounty Store on prizes 24 hours after the event has begun

All inactive player bases that were spawning as replicas with uncompressed stats have been removed for the replica user list. Player replica bases will now only spawn active users.

September Bounty

We’re still hard at work on Vengeance, and we want it the best it can be before we release it, so this month we’ll have a Bounty event while we continue to finalize Vengeance.

  • T13 Invader Plates - all Damage types
  • T13 Base Armors - all Damage types
  • T13 Base Turret - Monocle Missile
  • Trophy Barrier cap +1

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