T12 Skirmish Strategy Guide

Captains, welcome to the official T12 Skirmish Strategy Guide. This guide aims to give you some insights on target mechanics for the new Skirmish hull, the Impaler. Learn about your enemies, and find general target info to help you in battle. Good luck! 


Greta's Convoy

Tier 12 Skirmish Hull: Impaler

The Impaler is equipped with 10 weapon slots, 4 armor slots, 6 special slots and 1 Heavy weapon slot which is unlocked at U1. 4 of the Impaler weapon slots can be equipped with counter measures.


The Impalers main weapon, the Wychglaive Gatling Gun, fires at medium range, dealing Concussive damage. The Gatling Guns have a wind up reload bonus of 400%, the wind up bonus will decay after 5 seconds without firing.

Enemy Info

Name: Greta's Mothership

  • Type: Drone Carrier
  • Health: High
  • Countermeasure Vulnerability: No
  • Kingkiller: Yes

Note: Greta's mother ship has no conventional weapons, but it does carry a fleet of drones that circle around her hull with special capabilities, see the drones stats below. Her hull also fires projectiles around itself that leave slow regions.


Name: Greta's Drones

  • Type: Gatling Gun Hull
  • Health: Low
  • Damage: Medium
  • Damage Type: Concussive
  • Splash: Low
  • Accuracy: N/A
  • Range: Low
  • Countermeasure Vulnerability: No

Note: Gretas drones are equipped with short range Gatling Guns but also have a point blank area of effect weapon that deals massive explosive damage if your Impaler fleets get too close. This point blank explosion is timed to make it easier for you to telegraph when and where these explosive blasts will detonate.
Greta's Drones will self destruct if Greta's Mothership is destroyed. 


Name: Hunter Torpedo Cruisers

  • Type: Torpedo Hull
  • Health: Medium
  • Damage: Medium
  • Damage Type: Concussive
  • Splash: None
  • Accuracy: Medium
  • Range: Medium
  • Countermeasure Vulnerability: Yes


Name: Drone Carrier

  • Type: Carrier
  • Health: Medium
  • Damage: None
  • Damage Type: N/A
  • Splash: N/A
  • Accuracy: N/A
  • Range: High

Note: This drone spawning hull has no weapons equipped.


Name: Frigate Drones

  • Type: Rocket Drones
  • Health: Low
  • Damage: Low
  • Damage Type: Explosive
  • Splash: Low
  • Accuracy: None
  • Range: Low

Note: Fast moving when initially spawned. Keep the drones at arms length to minimize splash damage from its rockets


Name: Gas Clouds

  • Health: Not targetable
  • Damage: High
  • Damage Type: Explosive and Concussive

Note: Gas clouds that deal damage to the player hull as well as some of the enemies. Try kiting enemy hulls into the clouds.



Range definitions are relative to the primary season hull. Thus what is short for one hull might be considered medium for another, the goal is to convey easily to players which turrets/ships they can outrange and which turrets/ships may be firing on you from a considerable distance away.

  • Very Short = Easily out-ranged.
  • Short = Out-rangeable.
  • Medium = At least the same range as the player but generally not much more.
  • High = Will easily outrange the player hull.
  • Very High = Will cover a significant portion of the target.


If the arc is not specified then it has a 360 degree arc.