Do you get the following screen when you try to purchase gold?


The error message you are encountering when trying to load the checkout page is: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
This error is related to domain name system (DNS) resolution. This typically results from one of the following:

  • The domain name was incorrect
  • The domain is unregistered or has expired
  • Your internet connection is temporarily disabled
  • The firewall from your security plugin or CDN is blocking access to your site
  • The DNS is not properly configured on your computer
  • A VPN is interfering with the connection, etc

The first two we have verified are not the case here, as no player would be able to make purchases.
This means it is something on the device being used or the local network.

Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:


If these do not work, or you are not comfortable following these steps, please reach out to a local computer technician for assistce. KIXEYE support is not able to assist with internet or device issues.