You can obtain an officer by inviting your friends to play Battle Pirates through Facebook!

For every friend that accepts an invite, you will receive a unique officer that you can assign to one of several roles. Each will give you an advantage in some aspect of your combat strategies. Your friend must accept your invitation in order for you to get an officer. If they sign up for Battle Pirates by any other means, they will not be added as an officer.

To invite a friend, you can press the "Invite Friends" button within the game itself.

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Assigning Officers

Once your friend accepts your invitation, you can assign them to an officer role. Officers can be accessed from your Great Hall in-game.





Officer Assignments

Officers can provide a boost, usually to the speed of an in-game operation, by being assigned a role. An Officer can only be assigned one role at a time.

There are nine roles to which Officers can be assigned:


Armor Expert

+10% research speed in Naval Lab.


Construction Expert

+10% to building construction speed, including building and turret upgrades as well as fitting/refitting turrets, armor reinforcements, specials and tac installations.


EM Technologist

+10% research speed in the Tactical Lab.


Fleet Captain 1-14

+10% Map Speed to the fleet in the chosen fleet slot.


Lab Scientist

+10% research speed in the Advanced Lab.


Master Engineer

+10% ship build speed. This also applies to ship refits.


Master Fixer

+10% fleet repair speed.



Rocket Scientist

+10% rocket build speed.



Weapon Expert

+10% research speed in the Weapons Lab.



Because there are multiple Fleet Captain roles, a player can make use of as many as 22 different Officers.

When officer is assigned to a role and is actively providing its boost, it will show as "Busy" in the Great Hall.


That Officer cannot be re-assigned until the task that Officer is "busy" with is completed. In the example above, the Master Fixer cannot be assigned a different role until the current fleet repair either finished or is cancelled. It is possible, however, to assign an Officer to a task that is already in-progress, provided that officer is not already committed to another task. If that's the case, the player may need to refresh the game before seeing that Officer as "busy."