Alliances are a feature that allow Battle Pirates players to band together and earn points and bonuses for their team. Alliance pride and loyalty can often be fierce. Players in an alliance work to earn points by hitting salvages, neutral alliance bases, and enemy alliance bases; the more points an alliance member earns, the greater the bonus all members of that alliance will receive. Any player of level 20 or high can start an alliance; there is no minimum level required to join an alliance.





Joining an Alliance

If a player wishes to join an alliance, there are two ways to make a request. The first is to click on the "Alliance" button in the top right of the game window. This will bring up a list of nearby alliances; from there, the player can request to join one.




Alternately, the player can click on any base on the world map that belongs to an alliance member. This will be signified by the emblem above the base. The player can then click "Request to Join."



If the leader accepts the player's request, the player will see in a pop-up window that they have been accepted to the alliance.

Alternately, an alliance leader may invite a player to join the alliance of his/her own accord. If a leader does, the the player will receive a private message with the invitation attached.

Once a player has joined an alliance, the alliance emblem will appear over the player's base and the alliance "tag" will appear at the end of the player's nickname.

The player will also now have access to the alliance-exclusive "Alliance Chat" channel



Finally, all the bases in that alliance will now appear with a blue ring surrounding them on the world map.



The "My Alliance" Window

Once a player has joined an alliance, clicking the "Alliance" button in the top right of the game screen will bring up the Alliance window:

There are several notable pieces of information in this window:

  • Medals: A weighted score based on the most active member in the alliance's medals. Not the total number of medals earned by players within an alliance.  
  • Members: How many members are in that alliance and the alliance's total capacity. The number of members in an alliance can get as high as 75 and scales according to the alliance's level, which is determined how many career points the collective members of that alliance have.
  • Weekly Quota: Displays how many points a player has earned that week. Players can earn up to 1,000 points toward alliance bonuses every week. The quota resets on Monday morning every week, at which point all players return to 0 points and must start fresh.
  • Alliance Bonuses: Refers to the next tab, in which bonuses are explained more in-depth.
  • Alliance XP: Refers to the total number of points members of the alliance have earned during the alliance's lifetime; if a player is kicked from an alliance, that person's contribution to the alliance remains. Alliance XP is is also used to calculate how many members an alliance can have.

    Alliance XP 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
    Alliance Capacity 0 10,000 25,000 50,000 90,000 150,000 270,000 410,000 610,000 920,000 1,220,000 1,530,000 1,830,000 2,140,000 2,440,000



How To: Join An Alliance

How To: Create An Alliance

How To: Lead An Alliance

How To: Alliance Bonuses