Being an Alliance Leader or Lieutenant

The Alliance leader and Lieutenants have several abilities in the Alliance window that all other members do not:

  • Promote to Lieutenant (Leader Only): Clicking a player in the members tab will allow leaders to make any member in the Alliance a Lieutenant. Lieutenants have all abilities of leaders unless denoted below.

  • Alliance Blast: Clicking on the "trumpet" icon on the "My Alliance" page will open up the leader's private messaging window. 


    From there, the leader (or lieutenant) can send a private message to all members of an alliance.

  • Edit Description: Clicking on the "pencil" icon on the "My Alliance" page will allow the leader (or Lieutenant) to edit the alliance's short description.

  • Promote: In the "Bonuses" menu, the alliance leader or lieutenants can promote any member who has grown beyond the level requirements of his/her role to the next role. For example, in the "Bonuses" screenshot below, JMK is a level 53, but the role to which he is assigned, Rocketeers, is for levels 46-52. This means he is eligible for a promotion, should the leader decide to give it to him. To promote a member, the leader simply hovers his mouse over the name of that member and the "Promote" button will appear. Once promoted, a member cannot be demoted.


  • Make Leader (LEADER ONLY): In the "Members" menu, the alliance leader can click on a specific member and make that member the alliance leader; the previous leader will then lose all leader privileges.


  • Kick: In that same section of the "Members" menu, the alliance leader can kick a member from the alliance. Lieutenants can kick any non-Leader/Lieutenant

  • Recruit Members: In the "Members" menu, the alliance leader or lieutenant can pull up a list of players in nearby sectors that are eligible for alliance membership:


    Leaders and lieutenants can also click on any bases on the world map that do not belong in an alliance and will see the option to "Invite to Ally."


  • Change Enemy Status: In the "Leaderboards" menu, the leader and lieutenants can browse through nearby alliances and, upon selecting one from the list, can change set that alliance to "Neutral" or "Enemy."


    An alliance can only set one enemy at a time; however, multiple alliances may set your alliance as an enemy. The Alliance Leader or lieutenant can select a new enemy once a week when the quota resets on Monday. To do so, they must set the current enemy back to "Neutral" status.
  • Disband Alliance: If a leader has kicked all members from an alliance, clicking the "Leave Alliance" button in the top right corner of the "My Alliance" menu will disband the alliance; this will erase the alliance from the system.


Alliance Bonuses

"Bonuses" refer to the benefits that alliance members receive for accruing alliance points throughout the week. There are six different roles to which alliance members can be assigned. The role to which an alliance member is determined by the level of that player when first joining the alliance. If that player eventually exceeds the level requirement of that role, the alliance leader has the option to promote them to the next role (although they will not be promoted automatically).  The player who is promoted will be promoted to the next role, regardless of level. The highest level player that exceeds the level requirements within any role is referred to as the "Chief." The six roles are as follows:

  • ScavengersLevels 1-20. Increases blueprint drop rate (to a maximum of +20%) and increase resources earned from salvages (to a maximum of +25%).
  • NavigatorsLevels 21-30. Increase Map Speed (to a maximum of +20%) and Turn Speed (to a maximum of +20%).
  • ArmorersLevels 31-38. Adds Compound Armor to ships (to a maximum of +10% against ballistic, explosive, and missile damage) and increases Evade (to a maximum of +10%).
  • DefendersLevels 39-45. Increases turret reload rate (to a maximum of +20%) and turret health (to a maximum of +20%).
  • RocketeersLevels 46-52. Reduces rocket build time (to a maximum of -20%).
  • GunnersLevels 53-99. Increases ship-based weapon reload rate (to a maximum of +10%) and accuracy (to a maximum of +20%).

The bonuses listed in this menu are applied to all members of the alliance. For example, in the screenshot above, Chinese_Food is a Rocketeer and has earned 200 alliance points that week; the small reduction in rocket build time now applies to everyone in his alliance.



How To: Join An Alliance

How To: Create An Alliance

How To: Lead An Alliance

How To: Alliance Bonuses