Why is there latency in online games?
During events or popular times, it is common to see an increase in performance issues. This is due to the fact that there is a much larger player base, and because there are even more targets on the map at a time. Those two elements together make processing, particularly through an internet connection, a more strenuous task for the game. This is something that happens in all online games, and it’s not typically the fault of servers, players’ computers, or internet connection, although a weak internet connection and a computer that doesn’t meet the minimum specifications can amplify these issues. These issues can present as stuttering movement on the world map, trouble with combat loading, or difficulty controlling fleets.
How to start troubleshooting
It is highly recommended that you go through the Network Requirements and System Requirements to diagnose easy-to-solve connection/performance issues.
System and Network Requirements
Battle Pirates System and Connection Requirements
Check these settings
If after confirming you meet all the game requirements and you’re still having issues, try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Disable Hardware Acceleration: Click on the gear to see your settings, then click on the effects tab, then turn Hardware Acceleration to off.
- Turn off all effects: Click on the gear to see your settings, then click on the effects tab, then turn the effects to off.
- Don't play in full screen mode.
- Clear your browser cache. For steps how, check out this link https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache
- Unplug your modem/router for a minute, then plug them back in. This is good to do on a regular basis for network equipment.
Still seeing issues?
Follow these steps to see if there are any interruptions in the connection to the game.
Step 1 - Please visit [Testmy.net by following this link](http://testmy.net/)
Once there, click the button that says: "Test My Internet +" And then the option: Combined and allow the test to fully complete.
When the test's results are loaded, take a screenshot and attach it to your reply here. We will then be able to review the results and identify any possible trouble.
Step 2 - We’d like to see what your signal looks like on its way to our servers so we can see if there are any problems along the way.
To do this, we need to run a test called a Traceroute. You can find the steps for both PC and Mac below:
Traceroute on Windows
Press the start button, type CMD into the search field then hit enter. In the command prompt type:
tracert bp-prod-battle1.dc.kixeye.com
Hit enter, and wait for the results to load.
Take a screenshot of the results and attach it to your reply here.
Traceroute on Mac
Open Finder > Search, "Network Utility" > select, "Traceroute"
In the address bar, enter the following address
Hit enter, and wait for the results to load.
Take a screenshot of the results and attach it to your reply here.
What are you looking for?
What we're looking at in a Traceroute is the speed in which your connection 'hops' between server hubs on its way to our servers where we host the game. Much like your general connection strength, under 100ms response time is ideal for each hop, hops over 150ms will very likely lead to packet loss, while hops that take too long to respond will time out (indicated with a *** icon).
If you take a look at your Traceroute, you can see there are some problematic server hops that put you over that ideal response time. This could be the source of the issue you are experiencing. We recommend reaching out to your Internet Service Provider with the results of this Traceroute and seeing if there's anything they can do.