How can I get treasure chests?

Chests are available from campaigns or limited offers. They may sometimes be available in an event store or special activities.


Where can I access my Treasure chests? How do I know how many I have?

Treasure chests can be found below your profile icon along the row of accessible buttons. Mousing over the chest button will show you how many chests you have!



What if I have multiple types of chests?

You can view each type of chest by using the Left and Right arrows after selecting the chest button. It will show you exactly how many of each treasure you have for each type of chest.

Screenshot_092019_023851_PM.jpg  Screenshot_092019_023919_PM.jpg

You can see in this example there are 25 chests. 24 x Reinforced and 1x Legendary Forsaken Chests


How do I open multiple chests?

If you wish to open more than 1 chest at a time, you can select the option on the right. Make sure you select the correct button! This action is not reversible.


How can I see what was in the chest?

After opening the chest, a new pop up will display the contents you receive in a list.


Opening this chest rewarded 1 x 2 day ship build token and 1 x 1 day ship build token


Some chests offer different rewards. How do I get a specific item?

Certain chests have a chance to drop an item, and some items are weighed differently. You may open a chest and get 1 reward more frequently than another. For these chests, the reward you get is random, or a mix of guaranteed and random bonus items. Different chests may give contents based on the contents you have already received. Each chest is different so be mindful when opening them!


What if I don't have room for the contents in the chest?

Chest contents will NOT OVERFILL your resources or tokens. If you try to open a chest and don't have room, you will see warning letting you know you may not receive some of the contents. There is an option to open the chest anyway, but it is not advised if you want to make sure you get the full content of the chests.


The warning before opening a chest if there is no room for the contents.

Make sure you have room BEFORE opening!

If you decide to open the chest anyway, you will be notified of the rewards you did not receive due to capacity limits.


The chest only gave 66,000 Uranium because there was not enough room for the other items.

Items you did not receive due to capacity are listed in RED.


I opened a chest and didn't mean to. What can I do?

A: The contents of a chest can not be changed or swapped once they are opened. Any chests that are opened will be used and can not be replaced. Please be very careful when opening a chest.