Start: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 @ 1PM PDT
End: Monday, November 25th, 2024 @ 1PM PDT
Store Opens: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 @ 1PM PDT


A Quick Word from Calvin

Ahoy, Captains!

I’d like to thank you for the incredible feedback you’ve shared with us over the past month through Discord and the in-game monthly survey—fun fact: this was the largest survey response we’ve received in a long time!

Your insights have been huge in helping our Development Team refine the Vengeance Event into an engaging PvP experience for you all. Based on your input, we’ve made some key updates this month to enhance the balance and enjoyment of this new PvP event. We hope you enjoy these changes and look forward to hearing more feedback as we continue evolving this event in the coming months. Good luck, and may your fleets sail strong!

The Changes

  • The Event Store will now open immediately - meaning you won’t have to wait to spend your Renown!
  • Offensive Renown Collection: Updated
    • Bonus points for Medals are now calculated by dividing the defender's Medal tally by 4, regardless of the attacker's Medal tally. This means you get a commensurate reward for attacking what is likely a tougher base. For Example:
      1. If you attack and defeat a player with 300 medals, you will receive 200 points plus a bonus of 75 points, for a total of 275 points.
      2. If you attack and defeat a player with 800 medals, you will receive 200 points plus a bonus of 200 points, for a total of 400 points.
  • Defensive Renown Collection: Updated
    • Defensive Payout increased from 40 to 100.
    • Defensive Points are granted as long as the defender deals 80% or above damage to the attacking fleet, regardless of win or loss.
  • The “Out of Sector” locator will now search all player bases in your world to find valid targets.
  • On top of the Global Leaderboard, we’ve added a World AND Sector Leaderboard giving you even more chances to earn prizes!

How it Works

Your goal is simple, Captains. Hit other player bases to earn Renown points to spend in the store.

  • Renown cannot be stolen! Once acquired it is secured and immediately spendable.
  • Victory means destroying all objectives: Radio Tower, Great Hall, Outpost, and all 5 Warehouses.
  • Bonus Renown is awarded based on medals earned.
  • Base and Defense Fleet damage is not persistent, meaning that as long as a base is repaired before the event, it should be at full power vs each attacker!
  • Blue Bubbles last 1 Hour so get ready for PvP party mayhem!
  • Red Bubbles are granted after the 2nd attack and will last 2 days, so use retreats wisely!
  • Defenders are awarded Renown for damaging (80% or higher) attacking fleets!
  • Blitz is available following a successful hit.

New Content

Ajax U1 Upgrade



Monocle Missile (Cap +1)

Globetrotter Mortar (Cap +1)

Whirlwind Cloud Cruiser Skin

Parasitic Ajax Skin

Strix Trajan Skin


Prize Store

Featured Prize Cost Count per Redemption Season Redemption Limit
 Ajax Upgrade Kit Pack 1,250 500 3
 Whirlwind Cloud Cruiser Skin 5,000 1 1
 Parasitic Ajax Skin 5,000 1 1
 Strix Trajan Skin 5,000 1 1
 Monocle Missile 5,000 1 4
 Globetrotter Mortar 5,000 1 4

Reminder: The full Vengeance store can be found in-game. Only featured items are listed above.

Global Leaderboard Prizes

Rank Reward Amount
1 - 10

Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 10
Structure Build token (10 hr) 10
Vengeance Contender Achievement 1
Vengeance Champion Badge (See Above) 1
Gobbler Crew 1

11 - 50

Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 5
Structure Build Token (10 hr) 8
Vengeance Contender Achievement 1


51 - 100


Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 3
Structure Build Token (10 hr) 6
Vengeance Contender Achievement 1

101 - 200


Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 2
Structure Build Token (10 hr) 4

201 - 500


Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 1
Structure Build Token (10 hr) 2


World Leaderboard Prizes

Rank Reward Amount
1 Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 3
Structure Build token (24 hr) 1
World Badge (See Above) 1


Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 2
Structure Build token (24 hr) 1
World Badge (See Above) 1

Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 1
Structure Build token (24 hr) 1
World Badge (See Above) 1


Sector Leaderboard Prizes

Rank Reward Amount
1 Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 3
Structure Build token (24 hr) 1
Sector Badge (See Above) 1

Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 2
Structure Build token (24 hr) 1
Sector Badge (See Above) 1

Conqueror Class Build Token (24 hr) 1
Structure Build token (24 hr) 1
Sector Badge (See Above) 1


Badges and Achievements

Badge Unlock: The player who holds the #1 Rank Spot on the Global Leaderboard, after Vengeance has ended, will unlock the above badge for their valiant effort of topping the leaderboard.

Sector and World Badge Unlock: The top 3 players in the World Leaderboard and Sector Leaderboard will earn a badge for their efforts during Vengeance, once the event has ended.

Achievement Unlock: The top 100 players on the Global Leaderboard, after Vengeance has ended, will unlock an achievement for their combat efforts during the event.

 Badges and Achievements will be awarded to those who earned them after the event has ended.


Good luck, Captains!