Captains, the 15.04 Update deploys on Wednesday, January 22nd at 11AM PST.

This week's update includes support for January Vengeance, Forsaken Mission, VXP Weekend, NEW Echos of the Abyss (Hierophant) TLC, and reruns of the Unleash the Beast (Wolverine) and Sky Chaser (Cloud Cruiser) TLCs.

January Vengeance

Starts: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025 at 1PM PST
Ends: Monday, January 27th, 2025, at 1PM PST

January Vengeance Features:

  • Terminus Cannon
  • Wreckage Barrier

Forsaken Mission

Week 1
Start: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, at 1PM PST
End: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, at 10AM PST

Week 2
Start: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, at 1PM PST
End: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, at 10AM PST

Week 3
Start: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, at 1PM PST
End: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at 10AM PST

Forsaken Mission Features:

  • Heavy Hexalattice Plating CO
  • Heavy Hexalattice Plating M

Echos of the Abyss

Starts: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, at 1PM PST
Ends: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, at 1PM PST

Use your Bonesaw fleets to earn Blueprints, upgrades, weapons, and more for your Hierophant!

Prize Pack 1Ritual Missile Launcher - Common 
1x Hierophant VXP Token (Large)
1x Hierophant Build Token 24h 
5x Hierophant Evolution Fragment
Prize Pack 2Hierophant Blueprint
1x Hierophant VXP Token (Large)
1x Hierophant Build Token 24h
10x Hierophant Evolution Fragment
Prize Pack 3Chthonian Array 
Revelation Heavy Missile Launcher
1x Hierophant VXP Token (Large)
1x Hierophant Build Token 24h
10x Hierophant Evolution Fragment
Mastery Prize
(5x Mastery Runs)
2x Ritual Missile Launcher - Enhancement Chest
1x Pnakotic Resonator
1x Inviolate Ward DN-M - Enhancement Chest
1x Inviolate Ward DN-X - Enhancement Chest
1x Hierophant Build Token 24h
15x Hierophant Evolution Fragment 
1x 24H Hierophant Evolution Token

Unleash the Beast 

Starts: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, at 1PM PST
Ends: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, at 1PM PST

Use your Retaliator Fleet to earn Blueprints, upgrades, weapons, and more for your Wolverine!

Prize Pack 1Snarl Cannon Blueprint Weapon
1x Wolverine VXP Token (Medium)
Prize Pack 21x Wolverine Limited Hull Blueprint
1x Wolverine VXP Token (Medium)
Prize Pack 3

1x Protector Plate M-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate X-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate C-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate CO-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate R-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate CT-13 Limited Blueprint
2x Wolverine VXP Token (Large)
1x Wolverine Build Token 24h
500 x Wolverine Upgrade Kits

Mastery Prize
(3x Mastery Runs)
2x Wolverine Build Token 24h
1x Hardtack Harry Rogue Crew
1x Wolverine Upgrade Token 24h

Sky Chaser

Starts: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, at 1PM PST
Ends: Wednesday, January 29th, 2025, at 1PM PST

Use your Agamemnon fleets to earn Blueprints, upgrades, weapons, and more for your Cloud Cruiser!

Prize Pack 1Beacon Scattergun Blueprint Weapon
1x Cloud Cruiser VXP Token (Medium)
Common Cloud Cruiser Skin
Prize Pack 21x Cloud Cruiser Limited Hull Blueprint
2x Cloud Cruiser VXP Token (Medium)
Common Cloud Cruiser Skin
Prize Pack 3Common Cloud Cruiser Skin
1x Protector Plate M-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate X-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate C-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate CO-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate R-13 Limited Blueprint
1x Protector Plate CT-13 Limited Blueprint
2x Cloud Cruiser VXP Token (Medium)
1x Cloud Cruiser Build Token 24h
200 x Cloud Cruiser Upgrade Kit
Mastery Prize
(3x Mastery Runs)
Common Cloud Cruiser Skin
Epic Cloud Cruiser Skin
2x Cloud Cruiser VXP Token (Medium)
2x Cloud Cruiser Build Token 24h
1x Cloud Cruiser Upgrade Token 24h

Good luck this week, Captains!