Captains, the 15.06 Update deploys on Tuesday, February 4th, at 2PM PST.
This week's update includes support for the February Conquest and reruns of the Appetite for Destruction (Worldeater) and Titan Rising (Hyperion) TLCs.
February Conquest
Starts: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 1PM PST
Ends: Monday, February 10th, 2025, at 1PM PST
February Conquest Features:
- Conqueror Special: Magnetic Targeting Link
- Ranger cap increase (+2)
Appetite for Destruction
Starts: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, at 1PM PST
Ends: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at 1PM PST
Use your Myrmidon Fleet to earn Blueprints, upgrades, weapons, and more for your Worldeater!
Prize Pack 1 | Gravemaul UAV - Common 1x Worldeater VXP Token (Medium) 1x Worldeater Build Token 24h 20x Worldeater Upgrade Kits |
Prize Pack 2 | Worldeater Blueprint 1x Worldeater VXP Token (Medium) 1x Worldeater Build Token 24h 20x Worldeater Upgrade Kits |
Prize Pack 3 | UAV Revitalization Bay 2x Worldeater VXP Token (Medium) 1x Worldeater Build Token 24h 40x Worldeater Upgrade Kits |
Mastery Prize (5x Mastery Runs) | 2x Gravemaul UAV Enhancement Chest 1x Soulgorge Engine 1x Mindwire UAV Relay 1x Worldeater VXP Token (Medium 1x Worldeater Build Token 24h 40x Worldeater Upgrade Kits 1x 24H Worldeater Upgrade Token |
Titan Rising
Starts: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, at 1PM PST
Ends: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, at 1PM PST
Use your Mega Ship to earn Blueprints, upgrades, weapons, and more for your Hyperion!
Prize Pack 1 | 1x Congreve Rocket Module Level 1 1x Pyro Engine Module Level 1 6x (6 hour) Mega Module/Upgrade Tokens |
Prize Pack 2 | Missile Strike Drone Module Level 1 Drone Bridge Module Level 1 6x (6 hour) Mega Module/Upgrade Tokens |
Prize Pack 3 | Exocet missile Module Level 1 3x (6 hour) Mega Module/Upgrade Tokens |
Prize Pack 4 | Rocket Strike Drone Module Level 1 3x (6 hour) Mega Module/Upgrade Tokens |
Good luck this week, Captains!