On both KIXEYE.com and Facebook, no payment information is saved unless you choose to save it for a faster transaction. So if you have never saved your payment methods you do not need to worry about that data, any sensitive data is flushed when a transaction is completed.

If you do have a saved payment method you would like removed, it is quite simple.


Facebook Instructions

If you have any issues, please reach out to Facebook Support. 

1. Click in the top right of Facebook and select Settings. 

2. Click Payments in the left menu. 

3. Click Account Settings. 

4. Below Payment Methods, click Add Payment Method to add a new one. 

      To remove a payment method, click Remove. 


KIXEYE.com Instructions

If you have any issues, please reach out to Xsolla Support. 


1. Click on the “+” icon to the left of your current gold total to open the Gold Store. 

2. Click the “Buy” button for any gold package. This will take you to the payments menu. You will not be charged without confirmation and will not actually need to make a purchase. 

3. In the top right corner of the payment menu you should see your KIXEYE.com username. Click on this link and select “My Payment Methods”

4. Once you are on the payment methods menu you will be able to remove any saved payment methods you may have on the system.