If you've recently purchased gold for War Commander but haven't seen it reflected in your account yet, please be aware that there might be a delay between the time of purchase and when the gold appears in your KIXEYE game. During periods of high traffic, such as peak hours when many users are logged in, this delay could be up to 4 hours.

If you still haven't received your gold after this time, try clearing your browser's cache and refreshing it. If the gold still hasn't appeared, check your Facebook account's purchase history to confirm if the transaction was successful. To do this:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to your messages and notifications
  2. Select 'Settings'
  3. Navigate to 'Payments' then 'Purchase History.'

If the purchase isn't listed in your history, it likely failed, and you weren't charged. However, if it does appear, you'll need to contact Facebook support as they manage all payments on their platform. You can reach out to them through this link: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/326520857454699.