When someone other than an account's owner forcibly takes control of that account, we call that account compromised.

As per the Terms of Service to which all War Commander players agree, account security is the responsibility of the player. KIXEYE will not compensate you for any units that get scrapped while your account is compromised. Furthermore, it is still considered cheating if someone else gains access to your account and cheats on it, which means that your account could end up banned.

This is why it is so important to protect your investment of time, energy, and money: Do not share your login information with anyone, ever. Most compromised accounts aren't seized by "hackers" who've stolen your login information through shady techniques; while hacking is a real threat, most accounts that get compromised are vulnerable because their owners share sensitive information with a friend. Don't do that. 

If you believe your account has been compromised, immediately change all your passwords: game password, email password, Facebook password, etc. Assume the worst and change them all. Once you've done that, use the form below to submit your recovery request.

Please note that if we are unable to find an account, you are not the original owner, or the account has been banned for violating our terms of service, we will not be able to return access.