The Reawakening event marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Vega Conflict. There are a ton of changes on the horizon as we find ourselves in a familiar universe but with a lot of new players on the board.

We’ve decided to take this opportunity to change our approach to the events and content release cadence. Moving forward our plan is to release 3 new hulls (one for each faction) every 2 months. In each of the following core events a new upgrade level and Mod will be released for each ship. The level 2 and 3 defenses and weapons will also be released slowly throughout the season. The goal here is to allow players to really play with each ship at every mk level throughout the season instead of just rushing all the way up to Mk6. On one hand we are slowing down the release of the content, something many players have been asking us to do for years.

However, we are also releasing more content than was previously available. Many of you express feeling rushed to complete a fleet of the latest ship in one month, how are you supposed to complete 3 fleets in two months? The answer is quite simple, you don’t. You are not expected to be able to get everything.

Please, before you grab your space pitchforks, hear me out. We are striving to release these hulls in a better state of balance with each other than ever before and with the resources available to you building multiple low mk fleets of the newest ships at the beginning of the season is possible but you will hit a log jam for crafting and refits as the season progresses. I assure you no matter which faction you choose to focus on there will always be targets intended for all of the newest ships to hit so you can continue to progress, so do not be concerned about making a “wrong” choice, there isn’t one. And for you completionists there will be opportunities later on to catch up on the things you might have missed.

During Reawakening your primary targets are going to be in the Quantum Enforcer event sectors. Players should hit the existing Quantum Enforcer targets as well as a final showdown with the Enforcers (the Culminate 205 target) to earn intel to purchase tech for the new factions. You will also notice that the new factions each have their own event sector but the targets spawning there should be viewed as bonus targets for early adopters of the new ships.

I would advise on focusing your efforts on building up a full fleet for a single faction, this will set you up for success in the following event. Then, with whatever time you have remaining, start working on the other factions.

Another major change you will see is that all of the new event sectors will be PvP enabled. At its core Vega Conflict is a PvP game and we are attempting to embrace those roots a bit more. Space is dangerous and nothing should be without risk but with that said this is also a test for our PvP community to see if they can handle this kind of responsibility, if players start abusing this to an unhealthy degree I will make the event sectors PvP free zones.

As always we are open to feedback and fully intend to make adjustments where they are necessary but we ask that you do the same and keep an open mind to the changes we are implementing, everything we do is in the efforts of making Vega Conflict a better game and we are incredibly excited about this bold new direction for the game and can’t wait to share the experience with you all.

Good luck out there,

Damus and the Vega Conflict Team